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GRASSFED GROUND BEEF BUNDLE SHIPS FREE IN TEXAS – Includes 20lbs., extras optional!

Zoom Spring Farm Event!
Zoom Spring Farm Event!
Zoom Spring Farm Event!
Zoom Spring Farm Event!
Zoom Spring Farm Event!
Zoom Spring Farm Event!
Zoom Spring Farm Event!
Zoom Spring Farm Event!
Zoom Spring Farm Event!
Zoom Spring Farm Event!
Zoom Spring Farm Event!
Zoom Spring Farm Event!
Zoom Spring Farm Event!
Zoom Spring Farm Event!
Zoom Spring Farm Event!
Zoom Spring Farm Event!
Zoom Spring Farm Event!

Spring Farm Event!


Hurry, Only 0 Left!

Join us on Saturday, April 26th for our Spring Farm Event! 

We are excited to invite you out to our Annual Farm Tour on April 26th! The farm event will consist of an educational walking tour of our farm, lead by either Tanner or Catherine, and the '77 J10 Jeep will be decked out for snapping family photos.

At the end of the tour, we'll also have an optional 'Meat Up' at the brand new 1915 Meatery! It's a 15 minute drive from the farm and we'll pass 'The 98' on our way there.

Spaces are limited due to parking, so grab your tickets now if you'd like to join us!

We can't wait to show you the farm and explain what/why we do things around here, and introduce you to the animals! (P.S. this is not a petting zoo, animals will be on the other side of the fence, people will not be allowed in animals area). 

Farm Location:
Meyersville, Texas (closest hotels are Cuero, TX and Victoria, TX) 

Time: 10am – 11:30am
with optional Meatery tour from 12–1pm

General Itinerary: Tour starts at 10am until about 11:30am. We'll head to The Meatery at 12pm with anyone who'd like to join – it's a 20 minute drive to Yorktown, TX

The walking tour will begin shortly after arrival. Our barn area will be set up as a general hang out area with corn hole, tables, restrooms, pictures in the bed of the Jeep truck, and hopefully Benny the Brahma if he cooperates! He can be a little shy sometimes.

And lastly, order a shirt to wear to the event! Our apparel ships free! You can do this all in one checkout :) Just add the tickets to your cart, then click HERE and pick your favorite style and design! 

Ticket Price:

  • Adults – $15
  • Kids Age 10 and Under – $5


Interested in recipes or more info about this cut? Visit the 1915 Experience and search it!

Spring Farm Event!



Fast shipping

Same week delivery order cut off time for Texas orders to be placed is Tuesday at 11 AMOutside the state of Texas orders cut off time is Sunday at midnight.

Shipping Rates by State: 


Grassroots Club shipping: FREE

Standard Meat Shipping  $29.99

Shirts/Non Meat Orders: $12.99


  • Grassroots Club Shipping: $14.99
  • Standard Meat Shipping $29.99
  • Shirts/Non-Meat Orders: $12.99


  • Grassroots Club Shipping: $39.99
  • Standard Meat Shipping $59.99
  • Shirts/Non-Meat Orders: $12.99

 Rest of the States

  • Grassroots Club Shipping: $59.99
  • Standard Meat Shipping: $79.99
  • Shirts/Non-Meat Orders: $12.99

Guranteed Delivery

We ship our pasture raised meats frozen with dry ice and packed in a special liner, guranteeing your meat arrives to the address provided in great condition. Once your order is on the UPS truck, an email with tracking info will be sent to you. Once it leaves our farm, it will arrive to you in 1-3 days. You do not need to be home for delivery, just make sure you place meat in freezer the same day it arrives.

Thoughtfully Packed

We take just as much pride packing and shipping our meats as we do caring for our livestock. We store and ship everything directly from our farm, packed by our small team. If at any point you have any questions, give us a call or respond to the confirmation email.

Our Meats

Grassfed Beef

"One of my favorite chapters in the 1915 story is raising grass fed beef cattle, and it's likely not the reason you think. You probably know by now, Tanner and I do not have agriculture backgrounds (safe to say pharmaceuticals is on the other side of the fence here) so clearly our grass fed beef operation isn't a "fifth generation" ranch.Tannerand I are a fresh set of eyes on a very conventional way of doing things here in Texas, so unconventional that most grass fed beef in America is actually imported from other countries. Did you know that? This imported meat can even legally be labeled "product of the USA".Tannerand I are on a mission to raise delicious grass fed & finished beef here closer to home, so we opt to source/raise stocker calves from a handful of reputable grassfed ranches to put in our grass fed beef program and graze them on grasses and forage their entire life. It's quite simple really -1915grass fed cattle graze grasses and forage (no grain)without any shortcuts (if an animal is suffering we will use an antibiotic, and then remove the animal from our meat program). Processed at a local USDA inspected facility and dry aged to further enhance flavor and tenderness producing a premium grassfed beef" - Catherine 

Pasture Raised Chicken

"There is a beautiful story tell raising chicken in a different light, very unconventional by today’s standard, especially in Texas. In a way that prioritizes quality over quantity, nutrition over cheapness, craft over assembly lines, and our health as top priority. The formula is quite simple. Raise the chickens the way they were put on earth to be raised, and their meat quality will reward us – with delicious flavor and enhanced nutrition. 99% of the chicken raised in America is in dark barns, fed GMO grains, given drugs, and dipped in chlorine, and kept behind closed doors from the public eye to see. Tanner and I are the founders of 1915 Farm, and we vowed from the very beginning to only sell chicken raised the the best way possible – outdoors on fresh pasture, supplemented with corn free soy free NON GMO grain, no antibiotics, no chlorine baths, and frozen and vacuumed sealed at the peak of freshness –  sharing each step of the journey along the way as we bring the beautiful experience directly to your table, and trust me when I say, the quality won’t disappoint." - Catherine 

Pasture Raised Pork

The saying "pork, the other white meat" (aka pale pink) is non-existent in our vocabulary. Our pork has unmatched flavor,dark red in color and well marbled- the type of pork high-end restaurants are after. We do this by choosing "old world" heritage breeds, and put them in an environment they were designed to be raised in, either on pasture or in the brush where they can forage on grasses, acorns, whatever their snouts find with plenty of room to move in the sunshine, and supplemented with a corn free soy free NON GMO grain. When you raise pigs the way Tanner and I do, you don't have give them growth promoting drugs like sub-therapeutic antibiotics or beta-agonists which are so commonly used today in America (and illegal in many other countries). Drugs and crammed barns are a necessity to keep the price of grocery store pork low (yes meat is a commodity.. isn't that crazy?), and that is what many people want. However at 1915, we believe with all of our heart in providing a choice to those that value flavor, your health, and animal welfare first. - Catherine


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